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Das Qur'an al- Kerim Set, rezitiert vom Imam der Medina, Dr. Muhammed Ayoub Bin Muhammed Yousef

Medine Imamlarindan Dr. Muhammed Eyup Bin Muhammed Yusuf 'dan Kur'an-i Kerim Seti

The Holy Qur'an Set, chanted by the imam of Medina, Dr. Muhammed Ayoub Bin Muhammed Yousef

Als CD-Set : Sie können den Koran-Set , der 32 CD's enthält bei uns zum Preis von nur DM 100,-* erhalten. (Normalerweise zwischen 200 - 250 DM erhältlich) (bei mehrfacher Bestellung sinkt der Preis um DM 10,-)

Als MC-Set: 24 Kasseten gibt es zum Preis von nur DM 80,-* (bei mehrfacher Bestellung sinkt der Preis bis zu DM 10,-)

200 ile 250 DM arasinda cogu yerde satilan 32 adet Compact Disc 'den olusan Kur'an-i Kerim Setini bizden sadece DM 100,-* temin edebilirsiniz. (siparislerin sayisi yüksek oldumu, 10 DM kadar indirim yapilacaktir.)

Ayni Kuran- i Kerim Setini, 24 adet Teyp Kaseti olarak da bizden sadece DM 80,-* alabilirsiniz. (siparislerin sayisi yüksek oldumu, 10 DM kadar indirim yapilacaktir.)

As CD-set: 32 CD's for the price of only DM 100,-* (whereelse you can find it between 200 and 250 DM) (by several ordering the price decreases about DM 10,-)

As MC-set: 24 MC's for the price of only DM 80,-* (by several ordering the price decreases about DM 10,-)

*) + 14,90 DM Porto

Download now a few sections of the Quran (*) :

  1. Suret-ul Fatiha
  2. Suret-ul Ikhlas
  3. Suret-ul Nas

(*) the sections are about 170 kb. They had to be admitted with a very low quality to offer for download. The qualtiy of the  cd's is very good.

To order The Holy Quran Set please fill up the ordering form :

Which Set do you want to have (CD or MC) / Fill in also wishes and suggestions:

How many Sets:
Name, Surname:
Your Address:
Post Code, Town: